Desarrollador Full-Stack in Arcadi SpA

Closed job - No longer receiving applicants

Nos encontramos en búsqueda de un desarrollador full stack, con ganas de generar un impacto en la sociedad, quien trabajará directamente con los fundadores de Arcadi SpA; fintech chilena que actualmente procesa mensualmente 3 millones de USD e inició operaciones el 2019 como fintech.

Arcadi SpA fue fundada por dos ingenieros comerciales de la universidad de Chile, desde cero, con menos de 10KUSD y toda la propiedad de la empresa todavía se encuentra en manos de ambos fundadores. En Arcadi SpA sólo trabajan 13 personas, para nosotros esto nos llena de orgullo toda vez que empresas similares que procesan menos dinero que Arcadi SpA cuentan con equipos mucho más numerosos.

Ofrecemos adicional al sueldo fijo, call options (opciones de compra de equity de Arcadi SpA)

Our Vision: Foster financial prosperity in LatAm
Our Mision :Instant remittances, Access to loans, Inflation protection
Our Strategy :Blockchain, Crowdfunding & Networks based on communities.

Funciones del cargo

1. Entender el aplicación actual de Arcadi SpA, lo cual implica entender el funcionamiento de la app, los crawlers bancarios (web spiders que extraen datos de transacciones) y conexiones actuales vía apis con otras apliaciones.
2. Hacer cambios estéticos en el front.
3. Proponer e implementar mejoras en el flujo de la app que deriven en incremento en la calidad de la experiencia del usuario.

Requerimientos del cargo

(Please apply even if you don’t meet all of the criteria!)

2+ years software development experience

  1. Ruby on Rails (Backend Development):
    • Proficiency in Ruby programming language.
    • Strong understanding of the Rails framework.
    • Knowledge of ActiveRecord for database interactions.
    • Experience with RESTful API design and implementation.
    • Understanding of MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
  2. Vue.js (Frontend Development):
    • Proficiency in JavaScript.
    • Strong understanding of Vue.js framework.
    • Experience with component-based architecture.
    • Knowledge of state management using Vuex.
    • Understanding of Vue Router for navigation.
    • Familiarity with modern frontend build tools (Webpack, Babel).
  3. HTML/CSS:
    • Proficiency in HTML for structuring web pages.
    • Strong understanding of CSS for styling and layout.
    • Knowledge of responsive web design principles.
  4. Version Control:
    • Proficiency with Git for version control.
    • Understanding of Git workflows (e.g., GitFlow).
  5. Database Knowledge:
    • Understanding of relational databases, especially PostgreSQL.
    • Knowledge of database migrations and schema design.
  6. Heroku:
    • Familiarity with Heroku as a cloud platform.
    • Understanding of deploying and managing applications on Heroku.
    • Knowledge of Heroku CLI and dashboard.
  7. Testing:
    • Proficiency in writing unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.
    • Familiarity with testing tools for both Ruby (RSpec) and JavaScript (Jest).
  8. Development Tools:
    • Familiarity with development tools commonly used in the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems.
    • Understanding of package managers like npm and bundler.
  9. Web Security:
    • Awareness of common web security practices.
    • Knowledge of protecting against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., Cross-Site Scripting, SQL injection).
  10. Performance Optimization:
    • Ability to identify and optimize performance bottlenecks in both frontend and backend code.
  11. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
    • Understanding of CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
  12. Collaboration and Communication:
    • Strong collaboration skills for working in a team.
    • Good communication skills to discuss requirements, provide updates, and seek assistance when needed.
    • Work autonomy: skill of improving things with little guidance, but without any hesitation about clarifying questionable points
    • Accountability: You take ownership of your work, the answers you provide to others, and learn from your mistakes.
  13. Troubleshooting and Debugging:
    • Proficiency in debugging and troubleshooting issues in both frontend and backend code.
  14. Documentation:
    • Ability to write clear and concise documentation for code, APIs, and processes.
  15. Linux 1.having a basic understanding of Linux can certainly enhance your effectiveness as a developer working with Heroku, especially when it comes to troubleshooting, automation, and optimizing your development workflow.


Haber emprendido.

Haber leido el white paper del protocolo Bitcoin.


1. Opciones de compra de equity de Arcadi SpA
2. Trabajar junto a fundadores que crearon desde cero ,con capital propio <10KUSD, una empresa valorizada recientemente en 8 millones de USD, que actualmente procesa 3 millones de USD mensualmente.

Flexible hours Flexible schedule and freedom for attending family needs or personal errands.
Computer provided Arcadi SpA provides a computer for your work.
Informal dress code No dress code is enforced.
Vacation over legal Arcadi SpA gives you paid vacations over the legal minimum.
Beverages and snacks Arcadi SpA offers beverages and snacks for free consumption.

Remote work policy


This job takes place some days from home and others at the office in Santiago (Chile).

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