Performance optimization adventures with New Relic and PostgreSQL


Performance enhancement can be a daunting but rewarding task in software development. Embarking on improving a part of a web application or a feature might result in either decreased server and operational costs and an improvement of user experience, but the amount of time, knowledge and sometimes experimentation that has to be poured into it has to be taken into account before spending developer time that can be used elsewhere; that is of course, unless a performance problem has reached the point of breaking a feature or an important process entirely.

This article will try to give some tips mainly on the backend side of things and mainly with the use of ruby on rails and New Relic; but some of the concepts apply to any stack and monitoring tool.

Choose your adventure

It’s important to note that although the backend is important and it is the focus of this article, the decision to embark on performance has to take into account everything that happens when the user loads a page; and that means the size of the images, the amount of javascript downloaded, the backend response and the frontend manipulations done with it, etc. 

For example, would it pay to spend a couple days of developer time optimizing an endpoint from from 2000 ms to 500 ms if the user has to spend 6 seconds waiting for a page to load because of badly sized images? I doubt it.

Darth Vader trying to purify seawater might have more success than us embarking on the wrong performance enhancement.
Let’s go take a look at New Relic now. First, make sure you click on the top right button to select a timeframe of several days, that way new relic will give you a better average or representation since looking at the last day or 30 minutes might not be an accurate snapshot of usage and traffic of your application. I’m using 7 days as you can see on the highlighted part of my very-dark new relic dashboard:

Select your applicable timeframe on new relic before doing anything.

Jump into your ‘transactions’ view, it’ll show you the most time-consuming endpoints you have that have been tracked by new relic in that period. Let’s take a look at the top 20 slowest transactions:

By default it shows the top slowest transactions.
Application server#error doesn’t tell us much and those are probably timeouts of several endpoints aggregated; the next one webpros#index seems like a good candidate to optimize, right? Not so fast, let’s first click on that ‘sort by’ dropdown and select ‘Throughput’ which is the calls per minute. 

Select 'throughput' from the dropdown to consider traffic
Ignoring the first two which are called by several endpoints in rails, we can see webpros#index is nowhere near the top of the most used endpoints, because it’s an admin only endpoint that doesn’t have much traffic. This is when using some kind of prioritization framework would help to choose what to optimize, I myself like to always think of a value vs effort quadrant when deciding what to do:

Value Vs Effort quadrant
Like with any other task to be chosen, we want to increase performance where it will have most value and require the least effort. Both are very subjective but value can be usually correlated to the usage or traffic an endpoint gets; effort, obviously with the time it will take to optimize it. Usually, least performant endpoints that have never had performance looked at will have easier fixes, but your knowledge of the application, the language, and the amount of times you’ve done this task will have to be part of your decision.  

In this case we’re going with an endpoint that we perceive it has high value and medium effort which is the Jobs#show, and as you might guess it’s extremely important for our SEO and our users to display the jobs page as fast as possible.

Eyes on the target: Viewing and analyzing transaction traces

Let’s click on Jobs#Show transaction and examine it. 

A transaction overview

On the surface, there doesn’t seem much to do here with just a response of 245 ms right? But we can see from the graph and the breakdown table 2 things: 

  • Most of the time spent is by the database (Postgres)
  • The Postgres Job find is called more than twice on average (!)

Both the time % and the Avg calls/Txn  are important to pinpointing what to look at with this endpoint. But we can get more detail if scroll down and see if there are any ‘slow transactions’ marked by New Relic:

A lot of slow transactions or outliers over 10000 ms
And there are several jobs there that took more than 10 seconds to load. Let’s take a look at some of them, for example this one, first going into its summary and then into its trace details:

A trace profile, showing mostly activities taking a while to load

This profile is showing us where time was spent in the whole 22.74 seconds of this request, and breaking it down into parts. We can see 95% of it was just one query on the activities table to find out the last time the job was checked and while it is alarming, it’s hard to know if it is an isolated case. Let’s look at another one:

We can see here the two Job Find queries que mentioned early, and how one takes the bulk of the request.
In this case, this is more similar to our average transaction from what we saw in our summary. We can see two calls to Job. Find, and one of them, the slowest one, is called from the related jobs partial to find related jobs. We have found our target.

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Attacking our performance problem

Let’s look at the ruby haml code for that view partial:

- related_jobs = @job.related_jobs
- if related_jobs.present? && !team_member_signed_in?
  %h3.w900.size4.mb2=t("jobs_related", country: t("country"))
    - related_jobs.each do |j|
      - cache(j) do
        = render partial: "related", locals: {job: j}

The query itself was produced on this partial and not the partial for each of the related jobs, plus that one is cached. Let's run this query produced by the method on the seed database with conditions similar to production (ideally) and call to_sql on it with the rails console:

puts @job.related_jobs.to_sql
=> SELECT DISTINCT "jobs".* FROM "jobs" .... LIMIT $;

Now we will go into PostgreSQL with something like `rails db` and put this in there, prepending an EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement to give us information to analyze this and any query.

Getting ready to log in to the PostgreSQL console

The query plan and analysis result is a lot of text too long to post here; For an experienced database administrator this might be readable, but as I'm a humble web developer I recommend pasting this into something like or any query plan analysis website to make more sense (Just make sure you check the data retention policies of what you use and don't upload any sensitive data). 

Anyway, pasting this into the website I just mentioned gives us a result like this:

Overall parsed query plan in a readable format
Much easier to read right? In general for frequently used queries with active record the usual suspect is parts of the query that aren’t using an index, and this seems to be the case on this query since it has to do a sequential scan of the jobs table which is heavily expensive. Opening that sequential scan shows more info:

Sequential scan happening over the jobs table might not bode well here
This query is filtering about 99% of its rows, and an attempt of optimizing this will be adding an index that might help with this query:

CREATE INDEX index_test ON jobs(category_id, tenant_city_id, hidden, confidential, state);

I recommend to do this on the psql console directly for your development environment rather than migrations, since you will have to create and dump several indexes until you find one that is used by postgres and improves your situation, since depending on the data postgres might find it easier to just sequentially scan our table and then we aren’t doing much. Anyway, adding this index and checking the plan gives us a different result:

Our new query plan after that index.

Our sequential scan has now turned into an bitmap index scan, and reading a bit about it we find it’s a middle ground between a sequential and an index scan, getting advantages of both; The timings look better and now the query plan parser is actually looking at the weight_things table index scan as the slow part, but with it being already an index scan we’re probably going to have to spend a lot of time there for less results (remember our prioritization framework)

Deploy, but don’t forget

The next step is obviously to make a migration with this and deploy it;  but it doesn’t end there, we need to check new relic average transaction time and compare it with the previous period to confirm this is giving the results as intended, since we were mainly testing this on a specific transaction. 

Here's how it looks comparing the time of this endpoint before/after the deployment, waiting for a week to average more data:

Comparing the endpoint performance shows a reduction of more than 100 ms in response time (46%)
Graph comparing this week's timings for jobs#show vs last week.

New relic can compare this week's performance to the last one, and we can see how our endpoint is faring much better; remember, 46% timing for our server does not translate to 46% page load for a user, since there's the frontend and other pieces at play. But it will have an impact in that and our server load and bills. 

It’s important to also understand we have to consider each index added slows down writes to this table, but this table is a low-write frequency model unlike other tables we have. Other improvements we can make is to cache this query result for each job, but then we might not feature some new jobs during the cache refresh period. 

Hopefully, this guide helped on how to prioritize and approach performance enhancements.


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