πŸ”₯ We are 1 million! - πŸ“š Why an Edtech CEO invested in Get on Board, and more

This week we bring you two updates:

πŸ“š Why the CEO of an Edtech invested in Get on Board

Cristina ElΓ­as is the CEO of Colectivo23, one of the leading digital executive schools in Latin America. As such, she has a privileged vision of the challenges and opportunities that come with helping Latin American talent build their careers in technology.
That's why we couldn't be more excited that Cristina is joining as an investor in Get on Board in our crowdfunding campaign on Republic. Listen directly from her what she likes about the product, the team, and the future of Get on Board.

Like Cristina, you too can be part of Get on Board as an investor, from $100 USD.
There are only a few days left until the campaign closes, don't miss out.

πŸ”₯ Invest in Get on Board here

We are already a million! πŸŽ‰

Get on Board reached 1,000,000 registered IT professionals in Latin America. At the beginning of 2022, there were 250,000. When we went through 500 Global in 2019, there were 100,000.

A million professionals means the best pool of IT talent in Latin America. But it also means a great responsibility: to be there for them, help them get a good job, provide them with a site that works flawlessly, and continue providing tools and support to companies so they can respond quickly and give feedback.

We are just starting, we are just scratching the surface. We won't stop until every single person that makes up that million, and the million to come, has a job that puts a smile on their face.

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