1er meetup de Notion 🇨🇱

1er meetup de Notion 🇨🇱

​Será una noche llena de inspiración, aprendizaje y, por supuesto, mucha diversión! Prepárense para conocer a otros fans de Notion, compartir tips y trucos, y descubrir nuevas formas de aprovechar al máximo esta herramienta. Válido para tod@s!

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Event schedule


Event location

Santiago, Chile


Design / UX Programming Data Science / Analytics Mobile Development Customer Support Digital Marketing SysAdmin / DevOps / QA Operations / Admin Sales Content, Advertising & Media Product, Innovation & Agile People & HR Machine Learning & AI Hardware / Electronics Cybersecurity Education & Coaching Technical Support Other categories

Get on Board does not organize this event. The event organizers are responsible for the information listed here and is subject to change. Check out the event website for up-to-date info.

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Santiago, Chile

This event has finished.
  1. Get on Board
  2. Events
  3. 2024
  4. 1er meetup de Notion 🇨🇱