When creating a job posting on Get on Board you must specify the salary when the positions you are looking for are Full-Time. Part-time or freelance jobs do not require a salary specification (as those amounts are agreed directly with the professionals).
Within the salary field you will be able to specify the gross monthly or annual salary for the position.
If you choose to specify a gross monthly salary, you will only need to enter the salary range before the discounts required by law in each country. If you have a subscription plan, you will be able to hide the salary in the public views of your jobs.

When selecting gross annual salary you must enter the annual base salary for the position. This amount is mandatory.
Optionally you can enter extra compensation, such as budgeted annual bonuses (variable), and non-monetary compensation such as supplemental health insurance, coupons, subsidies, etc.
Once you have entered the amounts you can select the option to show the annual or monthly salary. When choosing to show the monthly salary you can choose the number of salaries that make up the annual compensation (for example, in Peru or Uruguay there are 13 salaries per year, and although they are made in two payments, they belong to the same year).
You will also be able to choose the option to hide salary in public views, as long as you have an active subscription plan.
Please note that the net (or liquid) salary will no longer be specified, so you must consider the legal discounts of the countries in which you are hiring when specifying the salary.