What is the difference between Pin and boosting a job?

Both Featured Jobs and Boost place your job ad at the top of the listings for 14 days, refresh the publication date of your ad, and are featured in our database of professionals' newsletters and dashboards.

Pin your jobs is included in all subscription plans and has a monthly fee according to the plan. On the other hand, Boost is an additional feature that can be added to the subscription plan.

While a job with Boost will have all the features of a featured job, it also provides:

  • Priority visibility on the platform.
  • Automatic sending of up to 200 invitations to the best matches in our database of professionals about your job. The invitations are based on variables such as category, salary, place of residence, tags, and level of experience, among others. The professionals who receive the invitations can accept them with a click, which automatically leads to creating an application for your job in the Interested phase.

Check out how to activate Boost or Pin a job.

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